justice, equity, diversity & Inclusion
Big Brothers Big Sisters actively engages diversity, inclusion and cultural competencies throughout our organization. BBBS serves an incredibly diverse constituency of adult volunteers, youth and families of the youth, donors, and partners.
It is key to achieving our mission to value diversity and practice inclusion amongst all of our stakeholders served by the organization. In doing so, we recognize the strengths and challenges of diversity include but are not limited to –race, religion, national origin, color, economic status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, disability education, expertise, and socio-economic status. The organization’s staff and board strive to be representative of the constituencies we serve.
At BBBS, we also see the potential of each Little every day. But for too many, they will grow up in system that doesn’t value their lives. They have BIG futures, but it can be even bigger if we all do the heavy work. We have the responsibility to lead with positive ways to enact change.
Right now, we’re using our platform to help spread information and to help everyone stand up for what matters. But our work won’t stop there. We need to do more than just stating we are allies. We need to listen, we need to learn, we need to act, and we invite everyone to join us on this journey.
Partnership with BBBSA
The NFL is joining organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters of America to work together in reducing barriers to opportunity. Join NFL players, clubs, and the league in ensuring that access to mentorship and achieving full potential is a reality for all. Visit nfl.com/inspirechange and www.bbbs.org to volunteer. Watch to hear from Human Rights Activist, Dr. Harry Edwards.
Resources and Links
- Chronicles of Evidence-Based Mentoring
- Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism, a CNN and Sesame Street town hall
- Conversation with Youth – How to Talk to Kids About Racism, Violence & Police Brutality
- MENTOR, in collaboration with the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance: webinar resources for support addressing the needs of children of color
- Supporting Kids of Color in the Wake of Racialized Violence
- These Books Can Help You Explain Racism and Protest to Your Kids
- What Should I Tell My Little About Police Brutality, Protests. and/or Race Relations?
- Color Blind or Color Brave? – Mellody Hobson
- How to Overcome Our Biases? Walk Boldly Toward Them – Verna Myers
- Talks to Help You Understand Racism in America
- The Difference Between Being Not Racist and Anti-Racist – Ibram X. Kendi
- What Kids Show Know About Race – Angelica Dass
- Critical Mentoring – Because Young People Deserve the Best of Us – Torie Weiston-Serdan